About Us
The Ultimate Salmon Derby is a ten (10) weeklong derby, separated in 5-2 week long sessions, taking place on the beautiful waters of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.
This derby is created by fishermen for fishermen, where catching BIG FISH brings BIG PRIZES. Our founders have been participants and winners in multiple derbies and have recognized that both Lake Michigan and Lake Huron need a derby of their own. They are passionate about this derby and thrilled to bring it to you all.
There are many other tournaments and derbies out there, but none that can be compared to this one. This derby provides an EQUAL playing field where FAMILIES and the WEEKEND Angler can compete to win BIG! High value prizes plus numerous opportunities to win equal derby success. The Ultimate Salmon Derby gives you over one hundred (100) chances to win prizes year-round. They say happiness is a big fish and a witness… so let our derby boost your pride and bragging rights.
Ultimately, you must be in it to win it. Get your fish on!